Get exam-ready with our comprehensive preparation courses

Our EIKEN Program is designed to be a complete yet flexible solution for ensuring your child achieves success on the EIKEN exam. We offer a core test preparation course, designed to give your child real practice with the EIKEN exam. In addition, your child can strengthen areas of weakness and build critical exam skills with our extensive array of targeted bootcamp courses. Mix and match skill-focused lessons to build your ideal preparation program to reach your goals effectively and efficiently.


Experience the actual exam format through mock testing with support from bilingual teachers in this weekly course.


Strengthen vocabulary skills by practicing spelling, definitions and contextual use of words frequently appearing on the exam in this flexible weekly course.


Build confidence in oral communication by practicing components of the speaking exam in this flexible weekly course.


Develop reading comprehension skills while learning strategies for tackling a variety of passage types in this flexible weekly course.


Enhance writing skills while gaining experience with a variety of example test prompts while learning techniques for formatting and proofreading in this flexible weekly course.

Choose the courses that work best for your child’s needs and set them up in the best possible way for success on the EIKEN exam. Through our flexible program, your child can comprehensively and effectively prepare at a pace that suits their abilities and goals.


Learn the exam format while gaining valuable experience with real exam questions.

Our EIKEN Test Preparation Courses are available for Grades 4, 3 and Pre-2. In these weekly lessons, students practice each skill of the exam through mock-test simulations. Students receive real time feedback on performance to ensure they are on the right track to get the results they need.

From ¥3,500 / lesson
Any Age Any Level Group Course

Practice Exam Format

Students will learn the actual EIKEN test format while experiencing simulated testing conditions as they complete mock exam components.

Develop Strategies

Students will discuss the exam with their teacher and peers to gain valuable insight on best practices as they develop valuable test taking skills.

Learn from Bilingual Teachers

Bilingual Japanese teachers lead the classes and guide students to ensure clear understanding of any complex vocabulary, grammar, and idioms.

With our EIKEN Test Preparation, students are able to not only gain exposure to the EIKEN format, but also learn how to traverse each of the exam components with ease.

Test Preparation Classes

Grade 4 Test Preparation

Get ready for the Grade 4 EIKEN exam by practicing the reading and listening components of the exam.

¥3,500per lesson
Age: 5+ Any Level Group Course
Check Available Dates

Grade 3 Test Preparation

Get ready for the Grade 3 EIKEN exam by practicing the reading and listening components of the exam.

¥3,500per lesson
Age: 5+ Any Level Group Course
Check Available Dates

Grade Pre-2 Test Preparation

Get ready for the Grade Pre-2 EIKEN exam by practicing the reading and listening components of the exam.

¥3,500per lesson
Age: 5+ Any Level Group Course
Check Available Dates


Build and finetune the critical skills needed for all areas of the EIKEN exam

Our bootcamps are offered as weekly classes that students can take on their own or in addition to the core test preparation course. These offer a great way for students to build up their skills in critical areas of the EIKEN exam, to ensure the best possible outcome on exam day!

Build EIKEN Vocabulary

Students can expand their vocabulary knowledge by reviewing and practicing words frequently appearing on the EIKEN exam. By learning definitions, spelling and contextual use of these words, students can excel in all areas of the exam.

Strengthen Core Skills

Reading, speaking, listening and writing skills are the cornerstones of the EIKEN exam. Through targeted bootcamps, students can finetune each skill to ensure success in all areas of the exam.

Gain Valuable Exam Practice

Our bootcamps are carefully designed to follow the format and address the grade-specific learning objectives of the EIKEN exam. Students gain critical exposure and valuable practice with exam components, ensuring they are set up for success.

Grade 4 Bootcamp Classes

Grade 4 Reading Bootcamp

Build your reading comprehension skills and learn valuable reading strategies to excel on the reading component of your EIKEN exam!

¥2,000per lesson
Age: 5+ Any Level Group Course
Check Available Dates

Grade 4 Vocabulary Bootcamp

Strengthen your vocabulary by practicing definitions, spelling and context of words frequently appearing on the EIKEN exam.

¥2,000per lesson
Age: 5+ Any Level Group Course
Check Available Dates

Grade 3 Bootcamp Classes

Grade 3 Reading Bootcamp

Build your reading comprehension skills and learn valuable reading strategies to excel on the reading component of your EIKEN exam!

¥2,000per lesson
Age: 5+ Any Level Group Course
Check Available Dates

Grade 3 Vocabulary Bootcamp

Strengthen your vocabulary by practicing definitions, spelling and context of words frequently appearing on the EIKEN exam.

¥2,000per lesson
Age: 5+ Any Level Group Course
Check Available Dates

Grade 3 Speaking Bootcamp

Gain practice with public speaking and reading aloud as you hone your skills ahead of the EIKEN Speaking test.

¥2,000per lesson
Age: 5+ Any Level Group Course
Check Available Dates

Grade 3 Writing Bootcamp

Develop your writing skills while learning common practices and clear strategies for acing the writing component of the EIKEN exam.

¥2,000per lesson
Age: 5+ Any Level Group Course
Check Available Dates

Grade Pre-2 Bootcamp Classes

Grade Pre-2 Reading Bootcamp

Build your reading comprehension skills and learn valuable reading strategies to excel on the reading component of your EIKEN exam!

¥2,000per lesson
Grade P2 Rb Age Grade P2 Rb Level Group Course
Check Available Dates

Grade Pre-2 Vocabulary Bootcamp

Strengthen your vocabulary by practicing definitions, spelling and context of words frequently appearing on the EIKEN exam.

¥2,000per lesson
Age: 5+ Any Level Group Course
Check Available Dates

Grade Pre-2 Speaking Bootcamp

Gain practice with public speaking and reading aloud as you hone your skills ahead of the EIKEN Speaking test.

¥2,000per lesson
Age: 5+ Any Leve Group Course
Check Available Dates

Grade Pre-2 Writing Bootcamp

Develop your writing skills while learning common practices and clear strategies for acing the writing component of the EIKEN exam.

¥2,000per lesson
Age: 5+ Any Level Group Course
Check Available Dates
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Learn more about GSA services with our frequently asked questions pages.

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Beginner Learners

Learn more about our English Foundations program geared for beginner English learners who are starting their language learning journey.

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Intermediate to Advanced Learners

Learn more about our English Language Arts program which is designed for students who have mastered the basics of English and wish to continue their language learning.